Category: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Tips and advice about making your Web marketing efforts more effective, with a focus on Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Advertising. Including issues around PPC, AdWords, SEO and more. From Toronto digital marketing agency Fruition Interactive.

5 More SEO Myths That Needed Dismantling

Myth busters that’s us. At Fruition Interactive, we squash rumors and keep to the facts, particularly when there is constant, and, at times, dramatic, changes to SEO in Toronto.

When discussing best practices, it can be difficult to know what is good advice and what is pure myth.  And the absolute last thing you want to do is follow a course of action that could be detrimental to your SEO strategy in Toronto.

We already tackled 5 myths in 5 SEO Myths De-bunked, here are 5 more. [Read more…]

So Long Page Rank: New KPIs for Toronto SEO artists

Google’s been ramping up the algorithm updates for some time now – has your website been affected by one of their cutely-named updates?

If you’ve ever cried foul over one of Google’s pets, you may want to think about the KPIs dictating the direction of your local SEO in Toronto (or national or even international campaigns). One good example of an overrated KPI is Page Rank.

Page Rank Is one Toronto SEO KPI - Fruition InteractiveToo General a Metric

This is especially true if you’re running local campaigns (SEO Toronto, for instance): page rank is too general a metric for your needs. Let’s do a little backstory here for a second.

Page Rank is Google’s specific parameter that measures link equity – how many backlinks you have coming from where. Google measures the quantity and quality of your backlinks and moshes them together in the form of a scale of 1 to 10 called Page Rank. The fact that this score is only based on 10 units should be enough of a clue: it’s too general to use for KPI.

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5 SEO Myths De-bunked!

If you are responsible for the SEO of your Toronto business website, it’s essential that you stay current with the latest changes in internet marketing; however, this can be difficult when you become overwhelmed with information, not all of it reliable.

To help stay on track with your SEO in Toronto we have compiled a list of the most commonly believed SEO myths. Becoming familiar with them will help avoid traps that could otherwise negatively affect the SEO of your Toronto company.

1. Google Search Results

Myth: Google search results almost never change meaning you rarely need to tweak or update your blog

Google rankings change far more often than you may think. In fact, 78 percent of pages change position every day, reports Social Media Today. So, hand-in-hand with keeping your website current, is checking to make sure your pages are always optimized. 

Photo courtesy of VASCO SOLUTIONS(CC Attribution)

Keywords: Long Tail | Short Tail | Why Do They Matter for SEO?

Using keywords is the first step in the SEO strategy for your Toronto business. If you use keywords correctly, they will drive highly qualified traffic to your site, making a huge impact on your online success.  However, before you can start reaping the benefits of SEO in any Toronto business, you need to have a sound understanding of what keywords are and how to use them effectively.

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are the words and phrases prospects use to seek out content or information on search engines like Google. Some keywords are highly competitive and receive thousands of searches a day — if you chose only these keywords for your Toronto business SEO strategy, you would probably struggle to receive a high ranking on the search results page.

Photo courtesy of Craig Key(CC Attribution)

If you are looking to target specific demographics rather than your audience as a whole, consider turning to long tail keywords. By most standards, these are phrases of three words or more, although some authorities define them as phrases of at least two words, according to HubSpot - A software marketing platform.  These long tail keywords are more precise, they often less competitive than single keywords and can help businesses find customers at an exact time in the purchase cycle.

ThinDesk boosts lead generation 400% with inbound marketing and AdWords

Toronto-based cloud computing company ThinDesk had a superior product but they weren’t reaching enough people with their message and their Web site wasn’t turning visitors into customers. Fruition Interactive revamped their online content marketing strategy and Web site design to turn their site into a lead generation machine  and then drove traffic to it with SEO services and Google AdWords PPC advertising.

Thindesk inbound marketing and AdWords lead generation results

3 Inbound Marketing Conferences in September

It’s back-to-school this September for anyone who wants to hone their inbound marketing skills. And there are a number of conferences that will simply knock your socks off. From learning boot camps, to shirt sleeve sessions to keynotes, attending a conference is a great way to meet new friends, share stories and pick up a tip or two.

Photo courtesy of Link Humans UK(CC Attribution)

We found three  inbound marketing conferences that we wanted share.  If you need to protect your pocketbook and if your inbound marketing focus is local (Toronto) anyway, we found a one-day and one-half-day conferences to consider.

But let’s start with the BIG one — this involves a trip to the great city of Boston.

More SEO Wisdom: Off-Page Local Optimization

So we’ve covered on-page optimization for better SEO – what about off-page optimization?

Let’s keep our example: we’re trying to do local SEO for Toronto; what areas of off-page optimization should we tackle first? Let’s keep it simple and break it down into four particular foundations:

  • Google, 
  • citations, 
  • business listings, 
  • and social media.

All Things Google

More SEO Wisdom: Off Page Optimization | Frutition Interactive

Photo courtesy of SEOPlanter(CC Attribution)

Google’s online services extend far beyond the search engine. Even if it only focused on the search engine, you’d still want to be on Google’s good side. To maximize the contributions of Google itself to your local SEO efforts (and thereby rank higher in Google local results), you need to leverage all things Google.

SEO Wisdom: 3 On-Page Local Optimization Tips

It’s common sense to prepare for anything big, like starting a business. That’s precisely how you should approach local inbound marketing and SEO. These are absolutely essential if you want to reach your local audiences.

Let’s say you want to setup local SEO in Toronto – you need to tweak all your on-page and off-page elements to full optimization. Let’s start with on-page optimization

famous on google maps?

Photo courtesy of activefree(CC Attribution)


If you want to cover your bases and make sure that you are seriously promoting your online content, then pull all out of your SEO (search engine optimization) stops.  From meta tags to alt tags; from H1 tags to H3 tags or just tags in general there are about a dozen key items to focus on to drive your copy from page 3 to page 1.

One key but often overlooked SEO tactics is to optimize your content URLs for your readership and the search engines.  There are some content creators (including some in Toronto) that miss this important SEO opportunity so, here are a few tips and why they are important.


  • Include a keyword related to your content.
  • Separate-words-with-hyphens.
  • Keep URLs short and relevant by removing unnecessary words
  • Structure to get the click

Image Courtesy of:

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Content Marketing: What It Really Means and Why You Need It

Content Marketing : What It Really Means and Why You Need ItWhile the digital advertising industry is always abuzz with best practices, hottest trends, and catchphrases, it unfortunately lacks direction. For instance, everyone knows content marketing is an awesome strategy, but ask business owners or marketers what it really is and why you need it and only a few will be able to give definitive answers.
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