Can QR codes contribute to the success of your internet marketing campaign? Depending on who you ask you’ll get contradicting answers. So, how would you know whether or not to include QR codes as part of your internet marketing strategy?
QR Codes and Smartphones: A Disconnect in User Engagement
Photo courtesy of clevercupcakes(CC Attribution)
QR codes started in an automotive company in Japan. It was labeled on car parts and once scanned, you’d receive details about the car. QR codes were adopted in internet marketing mainly because a QR code can store a lot of information that can easily be presented to consumers. With QR codes marketers can lead consumers to the company’s website, sign-up page, or sales page, among others.
All it takes is a smartphone with a QR code reader to move consumers from an offline to online experience. And who doesn’t own a smartphone? According to CRTC Communications Monitoring Report in 2013 over 27.9 million Canadians are mobile phone subscribers and the number has since grown. This year, 55% of Canadians own smartphones, which means more than half of the population can easily access your web content given that they would want to.
But apparently QR codes failed to catch on while the smartphone market continuously grew. So how are QR codes doing as an internet marketing tactic? Marketing charts collated data regarding QR codes, which includes research on how many marketers plan to use QR codes in their campaign and how many consumers are actually scanning code.