Inbound marketing requires that you wear a myriad of hats and have many different skills. While you can’t be an expert at everything and it’s probably not a good idea anyway, keeping your inbound marketing tool box filled with new skills just makes sense. What better way to keep on your inbound marketing knowledge fresh than by attending a course/workshop or conference.
Here’s our course/workshops/conference that fall under the umbrella of basic inbound marketing knowledge.
Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager Course for Business
WHEN: February 3 & 4th
WHERE: 3300 Bloor St W. Centre Tower, 2nd Floor Room 2220
WHO: ClickInsight
COST: Starting at $824 (Early Bird Savings of $75 before January 28th)
SPACE: Is limited. And it’s BYOL (laptop)
What would inbound marketing be without data? But reading, understanding and pulling meaningful reports and KPIs is another matter. If you are concerned about increasing leads and sales for customers and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of website interactions, then being able to zip around Google Analytics is a must.
This course promises to teach attendees how to produce meaningful inbound marketing reports and relevant analysis about site visitors.
Recommended for anyone who needs a GA refresher, because both the interface and the capabilities are forever changing. Beginners shouldn’t be shy about joining the group but it is recommended that prior to the course, they complete Google’s free training, to get the most out of the course.
So what’s the big deal?
In the course outline ClickInsight states: At the end of this course you will be able to do a number of things including understand how to create a measurement plan, complete with KPIs and goals to get the most benefit from a digital marketing tool.
For inbound marketing ninjas, that’s the big deal.
Take It Personally: Transforming Customer Connections
WHEN: February 10th
WHERE: Toronto Region Board of Trade
WHO: Canadian Marketing Association
COST: Begins at $299 for Team Rates. Special rates for CMA members
TIME: Half and full day sessions welcome.
Back by popular demand: Loyalty Marketing. Attendees will gain insights into how their business can adapt and embrace the shifting loyalty landscape by experiencing: How businesses are differentiating their loyalty programs; What shifts are happening in the loyalty; and Case Studies’ reads the course outline.
Taking up the afternoon and first time out of the gate - Retail Marketing. From the course outline, attendees will hear Industry leaders will explore omni-channel marketing beginning with a global view of retail marketing with IBM and a wrap-up by Walmart who will congeal the afternoon’s discussion points on: exploration of data, digital, social and bricks and mortar marketing.
Loyalty + Retail + Customer Connections = Important Aspects of Inbound Marketing
Social Media Week NEW YORK
Upwardly Mobile: The Rise of the Connected Class
WHEN: February 23-27
WHERE: High line Stages, NYC
COST: Networking Pass $49, Campus Pass $399 Insider Pass $649
WHO: Social Media Week
Social Media Week is a worldwide (and we mean it) conference: that curates, shares the best ideas, innovation and insights into how social media and technology are changing business, society and culture around the world. The SMW aim is to provide engaging and entertaining content and experiences to help us think differently about human connectivity.
If you’re thinking inbound marketing, then understanding social media is beneficial. This conference also reaches out to senior marketers, founders, entrepeneurs, influencers and anyone digitally connected in inbound marketing will be attending.
What caught our attention was the speaker’s line-up: Rev. Jesse Jackson “ Why Diversity in Tech Matters” . That makes for an interesting keynote.